Anyone Else Missing Myspace??
For the record. I like Facebook. I have one and it works for what I need it to do and there are things I like better. For some reason if you bring up Myspace people start to defend Facebook but this is not about Facebook. When I growing up we didn't have a computer until I was a teenager. I started out with an AOL account. Which I do love and miss but that is another discussion. I remember being on chat rooms and instant messengers but then a social media butterfly sprouted out!(aka myspace) I would spend hours picking out backgrounds and gifs and little cute pictures. Aligning them perfectly in whatever category they needed to be in just to change them the next day. I could chat with all my friends like instant messenger and complete strangers at the same time! Win, Win! For those who don't know much about Myspace its a lot like other social media but in my 80s baby 90s kid opinion it had more custom detailing and just better! Reason's why Myspace is the BOMB.C...