Motivated or Nah? 5 Ways I Try to Use.
Hey y'all! Welcome my Vibe Tribers or those new to our brand. I'm glad you are here! Let's talk about motivation. Booo... I know. I would love this to be an open talk. Please feel free to comment! Let's chat! Maybe even encourage others to do better. Because y'all.... I could do better! So here are five ways you can get and stay motivated. 1) Lists. I am the world's best list maker. I make lists to make lists. No lie. This is pretty obvious way to stay on track but it really does work for me. Crossing things off makes my day. Even if its small things.. Brush Teeth ✔ Shower ✔ Make a healthy breakfast ✔ (Does a pop tart count? It was strawberry) Sweep Floors ✔ This might seem silly... but... it's not. Have you even taken a shower then sat on your bed and checked facebook then you realize.. Holy Crap! it's been a hour. No?? Me either... 2) Don't do it alone. Some things are better to do alone.. like brushing your teeth.. Some g...