
Showing posts from November, 2018

MotherHood Guilt

Hello! Welcome to Good Vibes Only SC! Make sure you join the #VibeTribe. Social Medias/ Youtube listed below. Some days I feel like the worst Mother in the history of Mothers. Maybe I spent to much time on the phone, or working, or taking a nap. My sweet baby was left to entertain herself. Do you ever see a post of facebook and it's about your child being little once and to hold on to it and then you cry because of course you are failure? Maybe it's just me. Well, I'm writing this to not only share with you but to remind myself We all mess up. No one is a perfect mother. Some days I suck at it and I beat myself up. That little girl loves me so much and I'm letting her down. At the end of the day you are her mother and it is not to late. Tomorrow is new. Squeeze her a little more. Read another book. Tell her she is a beautiful wonderful princess and you love her more than all the cheetos in the world. Because they are only little once. If you are reading this and it

Game Time Blues

If you don't already know... I have an eight year old daughter. Only Child. Being an only child is hard because sharing isn't something that just comes naturally to children. At school she is amazing. At home.. it's a tad different. She is amazing don't get me wrong! Spoiled.. we may have rottened her a little. This is a story of a sweet little girl who acted like a butt on Youtube Live. Maybe I'm the only parent that has these issues and there is no answer in this paragraph. Just ramblings of a mother who doesn't have a clue of what she is doing. We buy our daughter these cute games that have characters on the board. This case it is a LOL doll game. It cost way more than it should because everything in LOL World is freaking ridiculous. The instructions are not clear in anyway so we decide to just play our way. Probably where we went wrong. We set up the game board and because we are youtubers as well it happened a couple of times because I was trying to fil