Game Time Blues

If you don't already know... I have an eight year old daughter. Only Child.
Being an only child is hard because sharing isn't something that just comes naturally to children. At school she is amazing. At home.. it's a tad different. She is amazing don't get me wrong! Spoiled.. we may have rottened her a little.
This is a story of a sweet little girl who acted like a butt on Youtube Live.
Maybe I'm the only parent that has these issues and there is no answer in this paragraph. Just ramblings of a mother who doesn't have a clue of what she is doing.
We buy our daughter these cute games that have characters on the board. This case it is a LOL doll game. It cost way more than it should because everything in LOL World is freaking ridiculous. The instructions are not clear in anyway so we decide to just play our way. Probably where we went wrong. We set up the game board and because we are youtubers as well it happened a couple of times because I was trying to film on my phone and it is literally the devil. So, thirty minutes later the three piece game is set up... There was already a heated discussion on how the little circle things went into the other circle things..once again the instructions were laughable.  The game starts and being the youtuber experts we are we decided to play on LIVE. It will be fun, we will get watch time... win win! HA!
The first time someone switched her tiara with their shoes (makes sense in the game) my sweet child falls to the floor in tears. This reaction (which is being viewed live) is so over dramatic.  That same action set the tone for the rest of the game. There was tears, silent yells (from me because we were live) and a couple "Come to Jesus" talks in the other room. I just wanted this game to be over. I hate this game and it will be up on mercari in 10 minutes. She literally cried 90 % of the game. Why? I have no clue. Maybe because shes a girl and her emotions are to much? Maybe because she is the only child and losing isn't a thing? Maybe it was because she knew she could truly embarrass me in front of all our subscribers?
We are no stranger of her having hissy fits during games. Which is so weird because she is an angel at everyone else's house.This one just topped the cake.
So... does anyone else have this issue? Any suggestions?
Thank y'all so much for stopping by and reading my nonsense!

Much love & Good vibes
Cassi - CVOSC


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