7 Short Reviews of Shows On Netflix!

Some of you might know that I quit working about six months ago. I spent the summer with my kid and now we are back to school. I've gotten to catch up on some Netflix viewing.  Here are seven shows that I personally watched and reviewed just for you! Some I liked more than others but I will tell you my honest opnion.

Grace and Frankie
Oh, how I loved this show.. so did my Mom which to me says this show has a wide range when it comes to viewers because we don't usually watch the same shows. The show is about two women who are completely different that are basicly forced together by their ex husbands who had been having an affair.. with each other! Talk about a twist! My favorite characters are  Frankie and Brianna. My mother's favorites are Grace and Mallory. Which are two people completely different than my favs. Once again showing that this show has a little bit for everyone. During the show you see them go through struggles.. from just getting along with each other, the pains of getting older, dating, and on the last season.. selling adult toys to church ladies. The show if hilarious and i would recommend highly!!
Netflix original, Currently 3 seasons.. and as far as I can tell there will be at least a season 4 hopefully more.

Santa Clarita Diet
This show is also another Netflix original. It stars Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant so basically it was golden from the moment it started. As a huge fan of both of them I was so excited to see that this show was going to happen it was released this year and it was hilarious. I will be honest this show is a little bit darker than what you're used to seeing Drew Barrymore in. Nonetheless they were great and the show was great. If you ask me.. it is a must watch on Netflix. If you have not watched it ..do not stop reading my blog but the moment you are done close your computer turned on Netflix and watch it. Seriously,  like as soon as possible. There should be another season coming out very soon. And I cannot wait to watch it. For anybody who might be in the dark about what this is. They are successful real estate agents and they have a good life together. Besides common couple issues they seem to have a lot going for them until she dies but yet she didn't really die. So how do you live a normal life being undead? Well if you don't know the answer to this question it's okay because there's a show for you and it has Mr. Timothy Olyphant in it so even if you don't care.. he's good to look at. Well done Netflix.
Once Upon a Time
  When this show first aired I was such a huge fan. I love fairy tales and I love that they gave them a twist that was a little bit different than what we knew. I liked the idea that you get to know these people  and you are piece this puzzle together with Emma and Henry. The characters are great. Such a great crew of people. Unfortunately, after so many seasons I grew bored. I personally  love shows that have tons of seasons so that wasn't the issue. There are so many twist and turns. It is definitely a show you have to pay full attention  to. I give the show it props though.  I was invested. I actually  still would recommend  this show. I have friends who still are in love with it. Great concept. No real complaints but that I lost interest but that's not insulting the show by any means. I would suggest giving it a try. Once currently has six seasons on netflix.

Shameless currently has 7 seasons on Netflix and another is on its way. This show is nothing like what I have been interested in before. It is rough but yet amazing. You meet these children who are basically raising themselves because their parents are drug addicts and drunks. You see them struggle. You see them strive. You fall in love with each character in their own type of way. Even the ones you want to hate you end up having a soft spot for them. It is definitely not something you can watch with children  in a room and if you're offended by nudity and curse words then this is not the show for you. There is nothing in this show that isn't  straight out in your face. But I loved it. And for all of those who we're fans of the television show Reba you get to see more of Van than you would want to!
New Girl
I found new girl to be hilarious. I love the characters. They are quirky. The show always had you laughing from start to finish. With love twists that you would never think would happen but they do. Plus, you might get a new drinking game out of it. New girl is currently on Netflix with five seasons and there should be another one soon. The cast is great. I've been a fan of Zooey Deschanel for a while now. I would definitely  suggest this show!  Its Goofy, unpredictable  and all around good time.

Frasier has been around for a while now. I remember when it came out and we watched it then. Recently I decided to binge and we watch the whole series. I was not disappointed. We first come into the show and Dr. Frasier Crane is a pompous self-serving man who gets stuck taking care of his retired police officer father and the two of them bump heads. His father is a down-to-earth, beer drinking, in his recliner with his dog in his lap type of man. So you can see where there could be some issues. As they both grow you fall love with the whole cast. For the most part the show is funny and lighthearted with a little drama Twisted in. Of course there are some parts that make you cry but that's just part of good TV right? This show is a classic and in a few years I will probably watch it again. You can find all of it on Netflix.

Last and unfortunately my least favorite...

Fuller House
There is currently two seasons of Fuller house on Netflix. Full House was my favorite show in the 90s. I grew up with the Olsen twins since we were about the same age. Uncle Jesse was my first crush. So when I saw that they were making a second go at it I was super excited. Unfortunately the best part of this show was then and still is Uncle Jesse. Was it amusing? Yes. Was it as good as original? No. I didn't even watch the second season because I was literally that disappointed. Do I think you should watch it? Probably so. Only so that you can make up your mind about it. It did not impress me but a lot of people loved it. But most remakes don't... except for Gilmore Girls but they can do no wrong.

Thanks for reading. if you agree with these shows or disagree or plan on watching them please leave a comment below. It will be greatly appreciated. As always. Sending good vibes.


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