
Showing posts from August, 2018

Motivated or Nah? 5 Ways I Try to Use.

Hey y'all! Welcome my Vibe Tribers or those new to our brand. I'm glad you are here! Let's talk about motivation. Booo... I know. I would love this to be an open talk. Please feel free to comment! Let's chat! Maybe even encourage others to do better. Because y'all.... I could do better! So here are five ways you can get and stay motivated. 1) Lists. I am the world's best list maker. I make lists to make lists. No lie. This is pretty obvious way to stay on track but it really does work for me. Crossing things off makes my day. Even if its small things.. Brush Teeth  ✔ Shower  ✔ Make a healthy breakfast  ✔ (Does a pop tart count? It was strawberry)  Sweep Floors  ✔ This might seem silly... but... it's not.  Have you even taken a shower then sat on your bed and checked facebook then you realize.. Holy Crap! it's been a hour. No?? Me either... 2) Don't do it alone.  Some things are better to do alone.. like brushing your teeth.. Some g

Update on the Vibes

Hello #VibeTribe,  Thank you so much for being here and reading this. Y'all are amazing! The last post talked about all the negatives so are you ready to hear the positive? I am! Leggo! Work: We have a few possibilities. One company seemed really interested in him. So yay! Fingers crossed! We signed up for unemployment. They are saying it can be between 2-6 weeks before we know anything. We are hoping for an acceptance and for two weeks! That would very helpful while we wait for a job. Car: Hopefully the car will be headed to the shop this week. If we have the money.  Two cars are a must. It's going to cost around $400. Which doesn't seem like a whole lot but when you are jobless. Hopefully things will go right and it will be up and running soon! Government: We got the money we over paid today! YAY!!! It was truly a blessing. We didn't expect it and we were so stressed. That made our day! Ryan's Dad: He went to the doctor today. He is getting better b

Good Vibe Struggle.

Hello our Vibe Tribe!! In case you missed the name of our brand... We believe in keeping the good vibes rolling even when life gets rough. Well Folks, life has been hard. We haven't really mentioned much. Just tid bits here and there but today we are going to tell y'all whats going on. Here goes... Lets go back two months of so. Cassi's car's engine went out. Is it a big deal? Yes but we didn't get discouraged. Since she works from home and it was summer we made it work. We were down to one car and that car was having some issues so we decided to start looking for another. Not having a large down payment that was difficult. We got lucky and found a great one for a great price! Yay, good news! Being back to two cars will be great. I kid you not almost the same day we brought it home the AC went out on the other car and the window broke. Just in case y'all didn't know. We live in South Carolina and our summers are evil. We basically parked it. Ryan works in