Good Vibe Struggle.

Hello our Vibe Tribe!!
In case you missed the name of our brand... We believe in keeping the good vibes rolling even when life gets rough. Well Folks, life has been hard. We haven't really mentioned much. Just tid bits here and there but today we are going to tell y'all whats going on.
Here goes...
Lets go back two months of so. Cassi's car's engine went out. Is it a big deal? Yes but we didn't get discouraged. Since she works from home and it was summer we made it work. We were down to one car and that car was having some issues so we decided to start looking for another. Not having a large down payment that was difficult. We got lucky and found a great one for a great price! Yay, good news! Being back to two cars will be great. I kid you not almost the same day we brought it home the AC went out on the other car and the window broke. Just in case y'all didn't know. We live in South Carolina and our summers are evil. We basically parked it. Ryan works in long sleeves and out of town. There was no way he could drive it. Nora has asthma and Cassi has Lupus. Driving the car was not an option for anyone. This sucks! but... it was summer and Cassi works at home. Thank goodness that we got the other car!

If this sounds like a bunch of whining. I'm sorry. This is only meant to inform y'all of what's going on in our lives.

Ryan had some hospital bills last year that we didn't pay. We were just catching up from both of losing our jobs. So, in South Carolina the state can start taking them from your salary. This started. It took about $700+ a month. Which unless you are rolling in money... that is a lot!
Also during that time we lost about $500 a month due to reasons we are not going to mention. $1200+ a month pay cut is hurtful!

We still maintained hope! It's only for a period of time. We will make it. Some bills were behind but we were eating and had lights so all in all we were okay.

The payments to the state were almost over! We could feel the weight on our chest start to free up! It's almost over and we can get back to normal. Boy were we wrong.

Once again... Sorry if this comes across pitiful!

What else could go wrong?? Lets find out!

Ryan's Dad came over one night. He lives near us and he was about to go to bed. He seemed odd but we figured maybe he took his night time medicines. He was also very stressed. After he left Ryan's Mom called and asked if he seemed off and we told her what he was like at our house. He went to bed and we figured we would get up and walk over in the morning to check. We got a call early the next morning. It was Ryan's Mom. His Dad was in bad shape. Ryan ran next door. Cassi got dressed and came along as well. Ryan automatically called 911. He was unresponsive and was getting ill. They automatically flew him to a larger hospital. Since we live in a tiny town our hospital was not equipped to handle it. The EMS workers told us that he will be fine. It wasn't life threatening.
We got dressed and took Nora to Cassi's Mom and headed out of town. When we got there we found out that he was in way worse shape than the EMS workers made us think. (No shade. We appreciate them coming so fast and taking care of him) He was in ICU. He had a tube down his throat and couldn't get him to wake up. We spent about a week there. It was due to blood pressure issues. They was not sure if he would talk again or be of sound mind but thankfully he is back to normal.

Scary! But it worked out! Another hurdle we cleared!

Ryan missed a lot of work during that but his worked seems okay with it. A week after he got back his team lead came into store and let him go. Due to his numbers not being where they should.(because of him taking that time off for his Dad being in the hospital) By the way South Carolina law allows a company to fire you for any reason. So there was nothing we could do.

So here we are... The worst two months we have had together.
Are the good vibes still here? Yes. Is it getting hard to keep them? Yes.

The Struggle is real.
but the vibes are still here.

What can you do to help?
We could use your prayers.
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Thank you so much for reading this.
Thank you for all of your support!
We love every one of y'all!
Thanks for being apart of our Vibe Tribe!

Lots of Love & Good Vibes.
Ryan, Cassi & Nora.


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