Motivated or Nah? 5 Ways I Try to Use.

Hey y'all! Welcome my Vibe Tribers or those new to our brand. I'm glad you are here!

Let's talk about motivation. Booo... I know.
I would love this to be an open talk. Please feel free to comment! Let's chat! Maybe even encourage others to do better. Because y'all.... I could do better!
So here are five ways you can get and stay motivated.

1) Lists.
I am the world's best list maker. I make lists to make lists. No lie. This is pretty obvious way to stay on track but it really does work for me. Crossing things off makes my day. Even if its small things..
Brush Teeth 
Make a healthy breakfast ✔ (Does a pop tart count? It was strawberry) 
Sweep Floors 

This might seem silly... but... it's not.
 Have you even taken a shower then sat on your bed and checked facebook then you realize.. Holy Crap! it's been a hour. No?? Me either...

2) Don't do it alone. 
Some things are better to do alone.. like brushing your teeth..
Some goals are easier to do with some one. Like exercising, eating healthy, doing a daily blog that you have been meaning to do for the last two years but then don't and you have to revive it a year later.... sighh... 
Let your friends, family, person online that you met one time but they are always on your timeline... help.
Stay in touch. Make a goal. Succeed.
or atleast fail together.  

3) Good Vibes Only.
Why wasn't this number one? Because that might seem a little too obvious.
When you feel bad you are not motivated. Pretty Easy.
I do rage clean every once in the while but for me to be that angry that often wouldn't be good for my blood pressure or Ryan.
Take your victories even if they are small. 
All you did was shower today... Good for you! Some people didn't do that. Do better tomorrow though..seriously... you got this!
If you start dwelling on your failures you are never going to get your successes! 
Get up and do work! Whatever that may be.

Something about my favorite jam gets me in the mood to do something. Put on some 90s alt and watch me go. I also have music for when I'm sad. Thank goodness Pandora has the skip button! I find this very effective. Especially cleaning and exercising.

Last but not least..
5)Put down the phone!
Wait? What!
I know.. these phones seem like they are surgically applied to our hands but they are not.
( If you are reading this on your phone.. I'm almost done. Put it down afterwards. K?)
I waste more time on my phone than everything else put together. Go do stuff. or spend time with a loved one. That phone is slowing you down, my friend.
BTW.. I work on my phone so I understand its a necessary thing. So, I'm not hating on y'all using it for positive things.
I'm going to leave you with this. Next time you catch yourself looking at social media out of habit. Maybe you don't even realize it. Put the phone down and do something productive. That's my goal. Do it with me?

Ok! Guys! That is 5 Way I try to stay motivated. Did I motivate you? Can I be your motivation... Sorry it just got weird..
Tell me how you stay motivated in the comments. Do you use these tips already? 
Good luck my fellow time wasters.
Until next time.
Lots of love & Good Vibes.

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We love every one of y'all!

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