Anyone Else Missing Myspace??

For the record. I like Facebook. I have one and it works for what I need it to do and there are things I like better. For some reason if you bring up Myspace people start to defend Facebook  but this is not about Facebook.
When I growing up we didn't have a computer until I was a teenager. I started out with an AOL account. Which I do love and miss but that is another discussion. I remember being on chat rooms and instant messengers but then a social media butterfly sprouted out!(aka myspace) I would spend hours picking out backgrounds and gifs and little cute pictures. Aligning them perfectly in whatever category they needed to be in just to change them the next day. I could chat with all my friends like instant messenger and complete strangers at the same time! Win, Win!
For those who don't know much about Myspace its a lot like other social media but in my 80s baby 90s kid opinion it had more custom detailing and just better! 

Reason's why Myspace is the BOMB.COM
1) You can choose from millions of free backgrounds online.
2) You got to have a background!
3)Gif's and images were also free and could be placed anywhere on your page
4) Your page is now snazzy
5)Adding music to your profile so you can force your friends to listen to whatever you were into that week.
6)Page comments. If you look at anyones page you could see who they were talking to.
7)But there were still private messages.
8)You could show your friends where they stood.You could line your friends in order on your page. You could chose from something like Top5,10 or 20. Then pick the order. No random pictures on your page!
9)The music pages. I know social media still have these but myspace perfected it. You could check out new or favorite bands then place their music on your page for anyone who clicks on your page to hear!
10) The ads. Yes, I said ads. They were amusing. My friend and I have a long running joke about an ad that just struck us funny. It was always there and we actually had a name for the guy ... I don't know maybe we were weird but it is a memory I still have.

I'm sure there is more reasons but these are my tops!

Down Falls.
I'm not saying it was a perfect site but it seems like they could have fixed the issues and kept on being awesome.
1)Virus. They were real and if you had myspace you probably got one.
2) No business pages to buy stuff. but to be fair I don't know if other sites had them at that moment.

And that is all I have.

Today's Myspace.
It is a sad place to visit. I remember it being full of people and now all my friends profile pictures are of them ten years ago and half my music and gifs don't work. But my background is still going strong! It seems to me its a lot of artists on there. Which is cool I hope you can still add music to your page. Maybe one day Myspace will have a come back and if it does I will be there!

What is your favorite social media?
Did you have Myspace?
Why did you think Myspace rocked?

Let me hear from yall! Thanks for reading my thoughts.

Good Vibes Only.


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