My The Vampire Diaries Experience

Hello, Sunshine!
       Yes, I realize that TVD has been off air for a minute now, but I just finished it up on Netflix and just thought I would share my opinion. I LOVE the show.  Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) is the most gorgeous man ever... I was all the way team Delena. So, I'm going to start off with what I didn't like then save my favs for the end!

Bonnie and Jeremy didn't end up together and Jeremy disappears to be a vampire hunter. I loved Bonnie and Jeremy together! Do I think they were good for each other.. probably not but it still hurt my feelings. Jeremy being a vampire hunter blew my mind.. he was smart and they could had him be anything but they decided a hunter.. blah.. oh well

Elena leaving.. I wanted to see Delena! nuff said..

Caroline and Stephan.. at first I wanted to see this happen. I didn't like him with Elena and they always played into the Caroline liking him thing but Klaus! It would have been Epic. Which I realize that the originals was happening and it might not been able to happen but I don't care. EPIC!
Let's talk about Alaric.. I loved his character. Not only was he also a HUNK! He cared and was a freaking awesome person. I hated Jo died. I get Caroline needed to get the babies etc etc but why Jo! Then Caroline didn't love him. I boohoo'd.

Why did they have to kill off Matt's happy ending? Poor Matty Blue Eyes :(

These are my major complaints.. Now for the good.

1) Ian (did I mention he's beautiful?)

Bonnie and Enzo. Loved.  Jeremy who?
Also, Bonnie and Damon's relationship was goals! What a pair! That made me very happy.. two totally different characters that loved each other. (I almost would have liked them to end up together, so Elena)

Lexi was a great character. I'm glad they let Stephan see her again. Very happy with how that played out.

Katherine being sucked up was amazing. I was hoping there was good there and I think she cared for the brothers but she just wasn't a good person in general. I liked how they went into her childhood and made you almost feel sorry for her.

There is so much more I could dive in to... but I want to hear from you! Who was your favorite? What team did you root for? What did you love? hate? tolerated?
Did anyone else like Kai? I couldn't be the only one.. Was he evil? yes.. Was he a murderer? sure... Did I want him to die? Not at all. That being said I liked the twins too. Unfortunately they were collateral damage of the story plot.
Anyone else think Elena looked really different in the last episode? Was it just me? Them eyebrows? IDK... let me hear from you!
If I hear from enough people I would love to do another post on the show! If you haven't seen it, watch it! Seriously... close your laptop, shut off your computer, put down your phone.. GO! :)

Hope you enjoyed this!
Good Vibes Only


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