
Showing posts from July, 2017

BzzAgent Freebies!

Hey guys!  Raise your hands if you like free stuff!!! Yeah , you better have your hand up! So a month or so I signed up for a few websites sites that offer freebies. I mean who doesn't like samples or freebies? I have a couple of site that just lead me around in circles til I just clicked off. Mostly to get my phone number so they can drive me crazy. Bummer! So I'm going to tell you which ones that works via blog and youtube! I have gotten a subscription to "Entertainment Weekly" Don't worry I didn't add a credit card to anything! I got it from one of those sites that sent me to a hundred different sites so unfortunately I can't tell you who gave me the magazine. But one company has sent me two things! BzzAgent!!! First they sent me a welcome kit that consist of info on them and a magnet. I'll post a picture. The only "catch" is you have to give them a few reviews. What?! That is it. I really thought that I would get the magnet and ne

Anybody got some Aloe??

HEY GUYS!    So, I went to the beach two days ago. We had a blast. It was a lot of fun. It was not my regular beach, my normal one has a great tree line and shade. My friend and her kids invited us to go with them and we went to where they usually go. Which was a more "touristy" area, a lot of beach houses. No shade. No one thought to bring an umbrella. I had bought some off brand sun lotion and used it once at my beach and it was fine! I used it there and it was a lower spf than normal so I seriously put it on at least every twenty minutes! I'm super white! I burn so easily and I was sure I had the coverage under control. I was soooooo wrong! I was fine. We got in the car and my friend looks at me and says "oh my God, your head" Never a good sign! My forehead had this weird shaped red splotch on it. Which went away quickly thankfully. By the time we got to a shower I was on FIRE! My chest and back is almost purple it was so burnt! How??? EVERY TWENTY MINUTES!

My Week in a Nutshell.

Howdy, Vibers! So.. this week has been full of all kinds of interesting things. From 5 am puke sessions to huge fights with the boyfriend. So lets start with the puke fest... Monday morning... 3am my kid comes in my room saying her stomach hurts. I tell her to go potty and then back to bed (maybe not my best mommy moment but at least I'm real) so she goes to the bathroom and a couple minutes later she comes back and says her stomach hurts more when she lays down. I get up and stumble to my glasses and go to her to room to grab blankets and pillows. I take her to the living room and we lay on the couch for about a hour until she passes out. I go back to my bed thinking the worst is over. A tad before 5 am she comes back to my room only sleeping about 30 minutes and asks if she could lay with me. I say yes because honestly I'm to tired to go back to the couch. I didn't mention that I went to bed around 2 am that morning not thinking that within 3 hours I would be up. Every