My Week in a Nutshell.

Howdy, Vibers!
So.. this week has been full of all kinds of interesting things. From 5 am puke sessions to huge fights with the boyfriend. So lets start with the puke fest...

Monday morning... 3am my kid comes in my room saying her stomach hurts. I tell her to go potty and then back to bed (maybe not my best mommy moment but at least I'm real) so she goes to the bathroom and a couple minutes later she comes back and says her stomach hurts more when she lays down. I get up and stumble to my glasses and go to her to room to grab blankets and pillows. I take her to the living room and we lay on the couch for about a hour until she passes out. I go back to my bed thinking the worst is over. A tad before 5 am she comes back to my room only sleeping about 30 minutes and asks if she could lay with me. I say yes because honestly I'm to tired to go back to the couch. I didn't mention that I went to bed around 2 am that morning not thinking that within 3 hours I would be up. Everything is great she is asleep. Ryan is asleep. I'm in the middle but at least we have a king size bed and so I wasn't totally squished. I'm about to doze off and then I hear it. Nora shoots straight up and lets it go. I'm yelling goto the bathroom but she doesn't ... Puke on the bedspread? Doesn't sound so bad... but no there is a small crack between the wall and the bed and she managed to get most of it between the two. So I go with her to clean up because she did manage to cover me alittle as well. She pooped her pants and its just a mess. My boyfriend(the whinest man ever when he doesn't get enough sleep) somehow feels this was a personal attack on him even though he was the only person without puke all over them. I pull the sheets over and then have to yank the bed to the middle of the room (alone because he is a butt when he's half asleep) and clean the wall and floor and disinfect and do laundry.. Nora goes to her room and goes right back asleep... of course.

My mom bought a piece of land. She owns a mobile home and before we bought this house together I owned a mobile home as well. The plan was tuesday morning at 9 I would come over and get her and the movers would move both her trailer and mine to this piece of land. I show up around 8:30 am and we sit... around 9:30 my step father calls and the company tells him that due to the rain they were behind and that they will come tomorrow. Can you believe that? Didn't call or anything. So I go home. and thought we would try again tomorrow.

The movers were suppose to be there at 8 am so I wait til 8 to get up because I'm guessing these people are not as reliable as we would hope and sleep is precious. I get over there.. No movers. They show up around 10!!!! They said there was another job they were doing and they will be there in a few hours. No one is happy at this moment. I don't have a spare room if electricity don't get hooked up they don't have somewhere to go! Which in case you don't know when you move a trailer the inspector has to review trailer and then light company hooks up lights and waiting for either can be a long ordeal. Anyways, they say land was too wet they will come back Friday with a machine that won't get bogged down.

Oh, by the way ..Their animals came and stayed with me Monday so the trailer could be moved tuesday morning.. So, I'm dog and cat sitting this whole time.
& my step father has to keep taking days off.

Wednesday night they call and say they will be there Thursday. So my step fathers already aggravated boss who was told earlier today that he could work Thursday just got called again to say he can't work. He was not happy.

But.. We went to the beach Wednesday and had tons of fun!! Much needed sun vibes!

They were late but trailers got moved! Took hours and then the people disappeared for 2 hours and by the time it was ready for lights it was to late to call.

Inspector is no where to be found. They are staying with us. and their animals still... I'm irked. When spoke to inspector very late that day he says he will be there monday... we will see!
Friday was all in all a lazy day. So .. it wasn't bad.

I fought with my boyfriend from first thing in the morning til bedtime. Ugly words came from both of us. But I went to dollar tree so I'm pretty happy. & we a made up now!

Today... Nora puked at 5am again...  Please say this isn't a bad sign and we are playing ground hog's day!

Please send me good vibes this week.. I need them!

Good Vibes ONly.


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