Anybody got some Aloe??

   So, I went to the beach two days ago. We had a blast. It was a lot of fun. It was not my regular beach, my normal one has a great tree line and shade. My friend and her kids invited us to go with them and we went to where they usually go. Which was a more "touristy" area, a lot of beach houses. No shade. No one thought to bring an umbrella. I had bought some off brand sun lotion and used it once at my beach and it was fine! I used it there and it was a lower spf than normal so I seriously put it on at least every twenty minutes! I'm super white! I burn so easily and I was sure I had the coverage under control. I was soooooo wrong! I was fine. We got in the car and my friend looks at me and says "oh my God, your head" Never a good sign! My forehead had this weird shaped red splotch on it. Which went away quickly thankfully. By the time we got to a shower I was on FIRE! My chest and back is almost purple it was so burnt! How??? EVERY TWENTY MINUTES! I threw out the sun lotion there! My child who had sun lotion on every twenty minutes with me and some extra when my friend sprayed her kids she sprayed my poor white as snow child as well. Her back was burnt slap up. I was a good sport and didn't fuss to much niether did she. but when I got home!!! I swear I cried like a little baby to my boyfriend! He brought me some spray with Aloe in it but it was medicated as well. 
Next day..
I hurt so freaking bad. I have a sun dress that has no straps that hangs low. It has been on my body for two days now. Gross? Maybe but I don't care one bit! I had to put my sheet on the couch because the leather and me would get stuck together and then I would cry a little more. By night time I felt so much better. I was still in pain but I went a good three hours without crying so the worst must be about over. My child at this point had no complaints. 
The trouble with the spray is because it is medicated you can only use it like four times a day. Which is not enough I need a constant mist! My boyfriend is like eh... it's fine, they just have to cover their butts. But my thoughts are.. There is a reason it has that on the bottle I don't want to be the reason! Death by sun burn spray is NOT how I want to go!
Early the next morning... 
I woke up stuck to my pillow! The pain! The itching! OUCH! I  might be a baby but I don't think so this is serious! The rest of the morning I was up and down trying to find a position that didn't make me completely miserable. I got up later on and sat on the couch, Things were getting so much worst! The itch was constant but it's not like OH my leg itches. It was like OMG MY WHOLE BODY IS ON FIRE kind of itch. My boyfriend was leaving for work and didn't have time to run to the store for me. I start googling what i can do and found some interesting things out. 
First- I have nothing at my house that will help me at all.
Two- Only 10% of people get this sensation (lucky me!)
Three- They know that I'm glow in the dark white because being translucent wasn't enough we got to itch like a crack head when we get burnt.
Four- There is a name for this condition. Hell's Itch!
That is right Hell's itch. The name is soooooo fitting! They describe it as .. a thousand fire ants crawling all over you and biting you with no way of you stopping it. Also an accurate description. I start reading all these people who have wrote comments while they are in the same predicament as me and I think.. I found my people! 
Side Effects of Hell's Itch are as follows.
Nausea, constant itching, sleep deprivation, depression and suicidal thoughts. 
Sound extreme? Not at all. 
It is now six o clock tonight and I'm managing. I'm keeping my mind on other things and trying not to touch. The more you touch the more you itch. All in all it is a lot better than this morning but I still don't want to wear real clothes or put a bra on.
Send me good vibes. I need them!
Thanks for reading
Good Vibes Only.


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