
Showing posts from June, 2017

Anyone Else Missing Myspace??

For the record. I like Facebook. I have one and it works for what I need it to do and there are things I like better. For some reason if you bring up Myspace people start to defend Facebook  but this is not about Facebook. When I growing up we didn't have a computer until I was a teenager. I started out with an AOL account. Which I do love and miss but that is another discussion. I remember being on chat rooms and instant messengers but then a social media butterfly sprouted out!(aka myspace) I would spend hours picking out backgrounds and gifs and little cute pictures. Aligning them perfectly in whatever category they needed to be in just to change them the next day. I could chat with all my friends like instant messenger and complete strangers at the same time! Win, Win! For those who don't know much about Myspace its a lot like other social media but in my 80s baby 90s kid opinion it had more custom detailing and just better!  Reason's why Myspace is the BOMB.C

Blind Bags.. why? who? seriously??

Hey, Hey Vibers!  If you do not already know there is a fad going around with children and adults and it is blind bags. A blind bag is not always a bag but most of the time it is. They are usually mini collections and you better believe that your kid will have to collect them all. No we are not talking about Pokémon but they have those blind bags too!  I get asked by adults often.. Why do they like them? I try to act cool and say I don't know but the truth is that I enjoy them about as much as her. I do not play with them like she does but it is something about opening up a bag that could have the VERY one you NEED that is intense and exciting. Then you get rare ones, super rare, limited edition, etc.. and that just makes you want to buy even more. So my honest answer is... because they are freaking awesome that is why! Are you wasting more money buying them in individual bags? Wasting is a harsh word. I only have one kid and I want to give her anything she wants. (spoiled?

Making my first vinyl video!

Hi There! Welcome Back to Good Vibes Only and if this is your first time here.. I'm so glad you are here!  I recently made a vinyl video for YouTube. I'm new on there and if you would like to check out that video or my channel I will leave a link at the end. If you are new to my blog.. I've been having issues find a good stand for my phone so I have been between trying to find a way to prop it up or hold it. Neither have worked great for me but I'll get it! So in this video I am holding my phone which was way harder than i thought and I am very "shakey". Also, I talk with my hands so I caught myself still talking with my hands even though I was holding my phone and videoing.  This video was not perfect. I'm not perfect. If you have seen any of my videos I try to keep it VERY real. Plus, I have the loudest keyboard ever...  So, I showed the image that I had already made and told Youtube land that I was going to walk them through the steps of makin


Hello Sunshines! I recently did my first YouTube video on a Wish Haul. For those who rather read than watch or maybe you want to do both, this is for you! If you don't know what Wish is.. Wish is an app. You purchase item that mostly come from China at discounted prices. Shipping takes awhile but it can be worth it. Want more info? Tell me, I will be glad to do a blog entry on what exactly Wish is! This was not my first experience with wish. I have gotten a few things prior. I was happy with most. Here are two examples of previous purchases. The beanie I got in three different styles. I got the alien, one that said unicorn with an horn and one that says bad hair day. My kid, my boyfriend and I all wear them. Here in South Carolina it does not get to cold so a thin hat like this works great! I paid around $1 to $2 then $1 shipping. (everything ships separate and everything has separate shipping fees but usually small) The leggings I paid around $3 with $1 shipping. The b

My First YouTube Video Experience.

Hello Fellow Good Vibers. I hope you are having an amazing day! We spent the day in a "fort" in our living room, watching YouTube. So, a pretty successful day in my book! As you read in the title, I made my first YouTube video. It was a wish haul. If you are not sure what Wish is here we go. I use the wish app but I'm sure there is a website as well. Most of the items come from China and how good the item is, is a chance you got to take. The shipping takes between two weeks and a month. There really is not a tracking number the product will track in China but once it leaves there, who knows. They are really good about refunds if your product is broken or never gets there and it happens. I enjoy the site but it is a good way to waste time and money. I will make a post on here about my Wish Haul and what I got but I'm making this about the experience of making the video. First, I have a webcam. I set it up, if you haven't read my earlier blog we recently move

Messy Life, hair and kitchen counters.

  Hello, Hello, Thank you for being here!      Messy is a term I use to describe myself... not dirty.. not unclean.. I'm just messy. I'll explain. (Please excuse my picture on this. I wrote the quote on my Cameo program and took a picture of it. Probably should have cleaned my screen. But hey! we are here to talk about messy right???) Messy in life      I always tend to be a tad over dramatic. I laugh hard, love hard and freak out hard as well. MESSY! I have so many ideas, hopes and things that I think that I need. Having dreams is obviously not a bad thing but I DREAM! Vacation house in Bora Bora kind of dreaming. I'm really all over the place. I want to try everything. Me right now- I have my blog open (obviously), My youtube notes, a bottle of mountain dew (because its early), Vinyl, and trolls.. yes trolls, like little troll toys and no they are not mine. All of this is surrounding me at this very moment. MESSY! I work well in chaos. Just who I am. All together

My The Vampire Diaries Experience

Hello, Sunshine!        Yes, I realize that TVD has been off air for a minute now, but I just finished it up on Netflix and just thought I would share my opinion. I LOVE the show.  Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder) is the most gorgeous man ever... I was all the way team Delena. So, I'm going to start off with what I didn't like then save my favs for the end! Negatives..(IMO) Bonnie and Jeremy didn't end up together and Jeremy disappears to be a vampire hunter. I loved Bonnie and Jeremy together! Do I think they were good for each other.. probably not but it still hurt my feelings. Jeremy being a vampire hunter blew my mind.. he was smart and they could had him be anything but they decided a hunter.. blah.. oh well Elena leaving.. I wanted to see Delena! nuff said.. Caroline and Stephan.. at first I wanted to see this happen. I didn't like him with Elena and they always played into the Caroline liking him thing but Klaus! It would have been Epic. Which I realize